5 Ways to Celebrate National Women's Health and Fitness Day 2022

Sep 30, 2022

Did you know that the last Wednesday in September is National Women's Health and Fitness Day? This is a day that focuses on the many aspects of women's health and fitness that we often don't think about during our busy lives. Often day to day tasks and activities involving our jobs, family, and friends can take priority, but National Women's Health and Fitness Day is an excellent time to make your health a priority and learn ways you can live a healthier life every day. Keep reading to learn five ways you can celebrate this important day.

Learn Something New

Not sure where to start? Try joining a local or online event. There are many events hosted throughout the entire week to celebrate this entire day. These events are focused on bringing awareness to health and fitness issues specifically related to women. From in-person events focused on highlighting challenges in mental health to webinars spreading awareness about cancers that often impact women, no matter which kind of event you participate in, you are sure to learn something new.

Explore New Activities

Fitness doesn't have to be boring! Less than half of women over the age of 18 get the recommended amount of physical activity. Finding new ways to get active can be fun and significantly improve your overall health. Keep things interesting by trying something new. Ask a friend or a family member to join you. You can try a yoga class, start a new fitness challenge or try a new way to work out, like rowing.

Discover New Ways to Fuel Your Body

Food is fuel for your body, but sometimes it is easier to choose foods that we can prepare quickly, eat fast, and that taste good. However, proper nutrition plays a key role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Take time to learn more about nutrition and discover recipes or foods that you like that are both delicious and tasty. You can also take small steps to improve your diet. Try cutting back on sugary drinks or eating more nutrient-dense foods.

Invest in Your Health

Think about ways you invest in improving your personal health. Maybe you could start dedicating more time to your health and fitness by committing to 20 minutes of physical activity a day. Consider starting a new routine, purchasing a fitness tracker, or start building a home gym. Take some time to decide what changes you can make to improve your health.

Schedule Your Next Checkup

When was the last time you had a physical? Annual physical and other important checkups like eye exams and dental appointments all play a role in health screenings. These screenings help prevent and help with the early detection of a variety of potential health conditions. Help your future self stay healthy by scheduling your next appointment.

Want More Health and Fitness Tips?

National Women's Health Day is only one day a year, but you can celebrate and improve your health all year around. Discovering new ways to get active and exploring new healthy foods is a great place to start. Interested in learning more about health and fitness? Check out the XTERRA Fitness Blog for more tips.